
undefined?, null?, true?, false?, zero?, boolean?, number?, string?, object?, array?, function?, empty?,

=, !=, !, >, <, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, %, &&, ||.

Note: = and != work like === and !== in Javascript.



(chain (function expression) (.key1 args1 ...) (.key2 args2 ...) ...)

chain is the method chaining macro. Consider the JavaScript below.


The same JavaScript in Elfenben using the method chaining macro.

(chain ($ "#xyz") (.required) (.alphanum) (.min 3) (.max 30) (.with "email"))

The node server example using the method chaining macro.


(require "http")


(function (request response)

(response.writeHead 200 {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})

(response.end "Hello World\n")))

(.listen 3000 ""))


The do statement evaluates a set of expressions passed as it arguments.

(do (expression1) (expression2) ...)


The function statement can be used to create named and anonymous functions. To create a named function do:

(function nameOfFunction ...)

For anonymous functions do:

(function ...)


try takes a set of expressions and evaluates them. The last expression must be a

function, that will be called in case an exception is thrown. The function is called with the error object.

(try (expression1) (expression2) ... (catch function))


(var fs (require 'fs'))

(var outfile "text.txt")


(fs.writeFileSync outfile "Hello World")

(function (err)

(console.log (+ "Cannot write file " outfile)

(process.exit 1)))


Includes a file to be compiled with this compilation unit. It will also search the

'includes' folder for Elfenben modules like 'html.ls'.

(include "string filename")


Will throw an error. (expression) can be string or object or an expression

(throw (expression))


Returns the first element of the given array.

(first (array))


Returns the remaining elements in the array after the first element.

(rest (array))


Takes a function "func" with fewer arguments than expected for function "func"

and returns a function that takes the remaining arguments. When the returned function

is called it calls the original func with the previously supplied "args"" plus whatever

is supplied during the function call.

(partial func args)


Takes any number of functions as arguments and executes each function in the given order

and passes the result to the next function as the first argument.

(pipe ...args)


reduce takes an array, an iterator function and an optional initial value.

The iterator is called with the following paramaters, previous value returned by

the last call to iterator, current value of array element, array index, and array.

First time around the initial value is used for previous value. If no initial value

is given, the previous value is set to the first element of the array and the

iteration starts from the second element. The last value returned by the iterator

is returned by reduce.

(reduce array (iterator) [initial])


(reduce [1,2,3,4]

(function (accum val i list)

(+ accum val))))

The above call to reduce will return 10.


map takes an array, an iterator function and an optional context. The iterator is

called for each element of the array with element value, index, array. The

returned value from the iterator for each call is pushed into a new array.

`map` returns the new array. If context is provided then "this" inside the iterator

function will be the context object.

(map array (iterator) [(context)])


filter takes an array and an iterator function that returns a boolean value.

The iterator is called for each element in the array and returns true or false

depending on the specified conditions.filter returns a new array with elements

that caused the iterator function to return true.

(filter array (iterator))


In Elfenben for is a list comprehension expression. for does not work like the JavaScript "for" statement.


(a [1,2,3]

b [3,4,5])

(+ a b))

;; ==> [ 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8 ]

;; we only want results that are <= 6 below


(a [1,2,3]

b [3,4,5])

(when (<= (+ a b) 6)

(+ a b)))

;; ==> [ 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6 ]


(letters ["a", "b", "c"]

numbers [3, 4, 5])

[letters, numbers])

;; ==> [['a',3],['a',4],['a',5],['b',3],['b',4],['b',5],['c',3],['c',4],['c',5]]

The bindings for a and b are made for every element of the corresponding arrays. In

the second example we applied a when condition to the result expression to keep

out results greater than six.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""