Iteration and Looping


The loop recur construct is a tail call optimised looping expression. It creates a

binding for a set of arguments with a set of initial values. A recusion point is set

by using a recur expression which passes control back to the top of the loop

with a new set of bindings for the arguments.

(loop (result x) ([] 5)

(if (= 0 x)



(result.push x)

(recur result --x))))

The example above will return a countdown array starting from 5 "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]"


each takes an array, an iterator function and an optional context. The iterator is

called for each element of the array with element value, index, array. If context is

provided then "this" inside the iterator function will be the context object.

(each array iterator [(context)])


(each [1, 2, 3]

(function (elem index list)

(console.log elem)))


each2d takes an array whose elements are also arrays (2d array), and calls the

iterator function for each element. The iterator is called with the arguments: value, innerIndex, outerIndex, innerArray, outerArray.

(each2d array iterator)


eachkey iterates over a map (object) and calls the iterator with value, key, object respectively.

(eachKey object (iterator) [context])

results matching ""

    No results matching ""